Goodbye Toronto Harajuku Style.
I've been dreading to officially announce this publicly. I'm not sure how to say this so I'm just going to say it. I am resigning from Toronto Harajuku Style. it's been a good few years but over time It has started to make me miserable, insecure, and robbed of creativity. I've invested so much of my time and money in this. The light has now faded and I don't think it will ever return. I am truly disgusted with the rollercoaster of emotions this has exposed me too in the last 4 years. I’m a bit mad that I feel so entitled because nobody asked me to do this, I wanted to do this for the community here in Toronto, I wanted a place where we could all fit in ...where I can fit in...yet I feel so shut out of everything j fashion\ fashion related. Maybe I'm not chewed up and spat out but just a hole new subgenera. I have love the J fashion community but it's time for me to start looking out for myself.

When I first started Toronto Harajuku Style I was hosting, booking and running events almost all alone. later on I developed a team so, big thank you to the time the THS Management team put in. I very much appreciate it.

Might as well officially announce my reassignment from the THS Dance team. The THS dance team was created for Toronto Harajuku Style events. They will continue without Toronto Harajuku style and me. Maybe a Graduation ceremony will be coming up in the near future. Maybe not.. Only time will tell. Plz continue to support them in the meantime! I will still continue to do my own thing. Spooky Monster Magical girl things. Shoutout to past Members and People that have collaborated with THS Dance team: Nokogiri, Xin Xin, Emi, Princess Jennifer, DreamzAngel Whitney, Rina M!
Sorry if anyone is upset by this but I can no longer carry on. I remember the days I would spend all of my earnings on events leaving myself short in the end with sleepless nights trying to prepare events. It use to be worth it but I can not say the same anymore. Thank you so much to those who supported me and stayed by my side. I feel very sad for the unfinished and unpublished projects THS had but I'd rather use that energy for something that will help me expand as an creator.
Toronto Harajuku Style might not be completely gone. This might not be the end it's just the end for me. The torch might be passed down but again, only time will truly tell. I just need to focus and invest in myself and my upcoming projects. Hopefully, I will still have your love and support. Dolly~ Events series: Toronto Harajuku Walk

Harajuku Ruunway show

Doki Doki Heart beat Jpop Jrock Party

Harajuku Fashion Market\ J fashion Market

Idol revolution
